Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bared to You by Sylvia Day | REVIEW

Series: Crossfire #1
Genre: Mature, Adult, Erotica
Published: June 12, 2012
Pages: 338
Links to buy: | Amazon Kindle** | Goodreads Barnes & Noble 

**The book is not in print for some places, and I'm not sure why. Possibly reprinting.
RATING: ❤❤❤❤


“Full of emotional angst, scorching love scenes, and a compelling storyline.”—Dear Author 


Gideon Cross came into my life like lightning in the darkness… 

He was beautiful and brilliant, jagged and white-hot. I was drawn to him as I’d never been to anything or anyone in my life. I craved his touch like a drug, even knowing it would weaken me. I was flawed and damaged, and he opened those cracks in me so easily…

Gideon knew. He had demons of his own. And we would become the mirrors that reflected each other’s most private wounds…and desires.The bonds of his love transformed me, even as i prayed that the torment of our pasts didn't tear us apart...

(From Goodreads)


This is the second time I've read this book, but it is so good! I was recommended this book by author Anna Todd (pre-After being published) and I bought the books that were out.

Rereading this book gave me feels. Like I love Gideon and Eva's relationship. It hits me in all the right places.

Their relationship was so dynamically different from other relationships I've seen. In my head, my mind keeps going over Ana and Christian (Fifty Shades of Grey) and Hardin and Tessa (After). Eva and Gideon have this relationship where when one moves, the other one reacts. They work together, and to me it feels like they really portray a real adult relationship.

However, the beginning where Gideon just flat out says he wants to sleep with Eva had me cracking up because he did it in such a blunt way. I did love Eva's boss and his partner. Basically, everyone around Eva were just my favorite people in the book. Her roommate being bisexual was a HUGE highlight because you don't see too much of that in books let alone television.

I find it hard to review a book you have so many thoughts about, but simply can't put them into a coherent thought. This book was spectacular. That's the only thing I have reeling through my mind. Sylvia Day's characters really flaunt a sense of connectivity, and I love that about her writing. Her writing is so beautiful that it makes me want to watch their love story on TV.

The only thing that kept me from giving this story 5/5 hearts was that it was almost too fast-paced for me. I like relationships to build over time, and this one felt like it was a snap of the fingers and they were in love. I don't know if that's just me, but I did love their relationship. Fast paced books are why I don't read James Patterson.

Did you know.....

Happy Book Birthday After Ever Happy by Anna Todd!

Happy Book Birthday to After Every Happy by Anna Todd!

Links to buy:

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Hey Everyone!

Today's topic is BOOKMARKS. That's right, the beautiful objects that I put on the side.

Recently, I have discovered that alongside my collecting of the books, I have recently began expanding my bookmark collection. I'm sure some of you are asking "Why not just use a post-it note, or a piece of paper?" Because, my fellow readers, I like my books to be as pretty as my bookmarks.

When I go into a Barnes & Noble, I find ONE book to buy. Then, I will wander and see tons of bookmarks I like. One time I almost walked out with about six, but settled on one bookmark that has Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory on it that says "That's My Spot." Like I remember having that one, a The Fault in Our Stars one, and just bookmarks that I don't even remember. Buying bookmarks for me is like buying books. You see one and decide YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT! However, since they're about $3 (£1.94 for you UK folk), I tend to not buy them a lot. The two I purchased in the photos I bought with my university credit.

I loved this one. It reminded me of tumblr in a way. I live on tumblr, so you can only imagine why I bought this! But this is a very true bookmark!

This one isn't for myself, actually. I bought this to send to my best friend in Scotland. We decided to swap boxes with one another, and I am going to be buying Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins to go along with this beautiful bookmark. Like seriously, how cute would this look in the new edition of the book? It makes me smile at how beautiful it is.

What bookmarks are your favorite ones? Are you picky about the bookmarks you buy? Do you use something from around the house? Do you....do you dog ear? 

Until next time readers!
~Amanda .xx

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Books and Moods

Hey Everyone!

So today's topic is talking about reading, and setting the mood that goes along with it. I've been writing for the past half hour or so, and I thought this was a great topic!

When I read and write, I find that I have my headphones on, and listen to whatever the hell I want to listen to. Most of the time I listen to One Direction or Taylor Swift on shuffle.

I am the type of person who cannot stand the silence, and will at whatever cost turn objects on just for the sake of noise. I also find that when I listen to music when I read or write, it brings the story to life. For example, in After by Anna Todd (I'm referencing the whole series), she often makes references to The Fray. I didn't really intend on listening to them, but I did, and the whole story had a different feel to it making it more authentic.

I've always been the type of person to do that though. I make a playlist for everything and anything. It's my thing, and I don't think I would change that for the world. A world without music would be incredibly boring. Books without music would be just as dull.

What are your thoughts about reading/writing while listening to music? I'm interested to hear from you!

Till next time book lovers!
~Amanda .xx

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill | REVIEW

Series: Standalone
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Contemporary
Published: November 13, 2012
Pages: 304
Links to buy: | Amazon | Goodreads | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository (For International Buyers.) |

RATING: ❤❤❤❤❤

Meant to be or not meant to be . . . that is the question.

It's one thing to fall head over heels into a puddle of hazelnut coffee, and quite another to fall for the—gasp—wrong guy. Straight-A junior Julia may be accident prone, but she's queen of following rules and being prepared. That's why she keeps a pencil sharpener in her purse and a pocket Shakespeare in her, well, pocket. And that's also why she's chosen Mark Bixford, her childhood crush, as her MTB ("meant to be").

But this spring break, Julia's rules are about to get defenestrated (SAT word: to be thrown from a window) when she's partnered with her personal nemesis, class-clown Jason, on a school trip to London. After one wild party, Julia starts receiving romantic texts . . . from an unknown number! Jason promises to help discover the identity of her mysterious new suitor if she agrees to break a few rules along the way. And thus begins a wild goose chase through London, leading Julia closer and closer to the biggest surprise of all: true love.

Because sometimes the things you least expect are the most meant to be.

"If you're into swoony romances with a little bit of history thrown in, you'll love Meant to Be."--HelloGiggles.com

"Fun, fresh and irresistibly romantic. STB (SURE to be) loved!"--Sarah Mlynowski

"Readers of Jennifer E. Smith and Stephanie Perkins will revel in this debate about love ruled by the stars or as a matter of the heart."--Shelf Awareness

(From Goodreads)


I've been putting off reading this book for months as it is my roommate's favorite book of all time. Normally, I don't want to take recommendations from close friends as I don't want to hurt their feelings if I don't like it. However, that was not the case at all for this book.

I really connected with Julia's character, the rule following, London loving character. She was very strong, and very involved in her love of literature. She was essentially me when I was in high school. Her attitude throughout the book, and the situations she got herself in were my favorites. She was partnered with Jason, who is this obnoxious, sexual innuendo charged student.

I think Jason was my favorite character in the whole of the novel. Beneath his obnoxious behavior, I found him really amusing, but also very caring. I could see that he was someone who was very reserved with who he revealed his true self with. He was a very complex character who could be seen as misunderstood, and judged heavily.

The characters and the setting is what drives the story I think. They work hand in hand because most of the scenes that I loved took place in a city I adore, and the characters reactions to those specific places made me so excited. Some of the places I never knew existed of course, but the whole feel of the story made it so much more lovable. I feel as if Lauren Morrill knew exactly how to drive the "feels" in a story. She knows how to hit contemporary/romance loving readers in the right places.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins and Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell, and vice versa if you liked this book and want to read more like it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Hey Everyone!

Today's topic is talking about something interesting I discovered when I was on twitter. A booktuber I follow, Benjaminoftomes, is hosting something called "Project TBR." I think this is a really cool idea!

Basically, Project TBR is a way for us to "shrink our TBR piles down" according to Benjamin. He thought of this idea, but didn't put it to use until now. In the monthly reading spectacular, he assigns some goals to help us stay motivated to shrink our TBR piles down!

This month's Project TBR is next week already! It is running from February 16th-22nd. If you need to shrink your massive (or small) TBR pile down, come join the fun! Benjaminoftomes has compiled some challenges for us as well:

1. Read a book under 250 pages
2. Read a book over 500 pages
3. Read a book with green on the cover
4. Read an underrated novel

BONUS: 5. Read a sequel to a book, but haven't read for a while

Now. I am here to share with you the books I plan on reading over the next week! I'm not really doing any challenges except keeping to short books. I'm altering the second challenge to a combine total because I think that's doable as my school schedule is becoming more time consuming.

I am going  to be reading: The Crossfire Series by Sylvia Day

Book 1: Bared to You
Book 2: Reflected in You
Book 3: Entwined With You
Book 4: Captivated by You

If I happen to finish all those books, I will be reading Girl Online by Zoe Sugg.

I'll be following along on instagram because why not?

Come join the fun!
~Amanda .xx

Monday, February 9, 2015

Balancing Writing/Reading and College

Hey Everyone!

So today's topic I chose to discuss the topic of finding time to read and/or write in between your busy college schedules. I struggled immensely with this last year, but as a 2014-2015 school year resolution, I made it a goal to find time to do these things.

One of the first things I advise is to ask yourself this question. It's an important one:

Just how much Netflix/Hulu/YouTube are you watching?

Think about this answer real hard. Are you spending copious amounts of time surfing the black hole that is YouTube? Endlessly scrolling through tumblr? Then you are spending way too much time on the internet, and must adjust your schedule to incorporate writing into it. This is how I fit writing into my schedule so far. I am only six days into my semester (not including weekends).

I have an hour between every single class, so I find the time I write the most is when I am sitting there for an hour between classes. It also helps that I have a bright pink post-it note taped to my computer that asks me if I wrote 2,500 words today.

So for reading, I always read for about an hour before I go to bed. However, I am often immersed into my writing that I forget to do this. I do try! But sometimes I'm more into a writing mood than a reading one.

Basically to sum up this post:
-Write if you have an area between classes
-Cut down on your interneting

Hope this helps all!
~Amanda .xx

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Reading Goal Update!

Hey Everyone!

So I have finally finished reading After We Fell by Anna Todd. It took me FOREVER because (if you look a the photo) it is 834 pages! It's crazy how long it is, but so good!

In the past few weeks of me not posting, I have changed my goodreads goal to 30 books. This is because of After. I also don't think I will be buying books as often as I have the past two years.

So, I am one book behind schedule right now. I've read two books this year (pathetic I know). But I am reading short books until After Ever Happy comes out in 16 days! I am so elated to read the newly revised conclusion to Hardin and Tessa's story. It's an addicting one. I'll be doing a review when I finish that!

Right now, I'm reading my roommate Hannah's favorite book. Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill is what I am reading, and it's already so captivating. I think I may go read some more of that as soon as I finish writing a chapter of a story I'm working on.

I just wanted to update you on my progress!
~Amanda .xx

Currently Reading: Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill
Reading Next: Bared to You by Sylvia Day (Crossfire #1)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Zach's 17th Birthday!

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday was my brother's 17th birthday, and it was good fun! He had pep band for a good portion of the night, but we had fun nonetheless. We celebrated with a Spongebob cake, and some presents. He got some clothes, a new mouse, and a media shelf. He's someone who is extremely hard to shop for, but my parents managed to get some presents for him!

Here's some photos I took!

Tonight I will be writing for the most part. I need to read and write, and have been majorly lacking in this area. 

Sorry for such a short little thing, just a general update!
See you all tomorrow!
~Amanda .xx

Waiting On Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine in which we spotlight an upcoming book release we're especially looking forward to!

After Every Happy by Anna Todd (After #4)
Expected Publication: February 24th, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January Favorites!

Hey all!

So I see people doing these kinds of things on YouTube, and I'm assuming the Blogosphere is included. Well, here I am including a few of my favorite things.

I have to let you all know that I am in no way, shape, or form a beauty guru. So if I get the titling of a lipstick or perfume wrong, don't hate me. I don't actively buy makeup, but as of late, I've been adventurous, and trying new things...go me!

Our Moment by One Direction Scent

I am in love with this scent completely and utterly. In my twenty odd years on this planet, I have not had the pleasure of owning my own perfume. The only perfume I have is an empty bottle of my Grandmother's perfume on the dresser that has a hint of the scent left in the nozzle (I'm tempted to buy a bottle because I loved her perfume). 

But Our Moment by One Direction is such a fruity and refreshing smell. It doesn't make me feel like I'm wearing perfume. It feels like I'm wearing Bath and Body Works! Highly recommend this one!

After Series by Anna Todd

This book series is becoming my January favorite... and quickly. I've been following the career of Anna Todd since Wattpad as I am a writer on there as well.

After is a highly addictive series with three books out presently. They are all enormous in length and take about a month to read each. The story has many twists and turns, and sometimes repetitive situations. This book is one I can't just put down because it is so good. I highly recommend reading this!

Revlon Lipstick #525 Wine With Everything

I absolutely love this lipstick! I'm just recently getting into lipsticks, and this was one I got on Thanksgiving. I wanted a darker red than the one I currently owned.

This one is just a vibrant, dark color of red. I have been obsessed with red lipsticks, and it makes me feel bold. I love how it looks in the winter kind of setting as well. If you use chap stick before applying, it makes it even creamier and last longer. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS!

Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne & Dave King

This month, I plan on beginning to edit the story I completed earlier on. I bought this book last year, and I know this book will help immensely.

This book has tips, tricks, and examples on how to self-edit your manuscript to perfection. I know this will help for when I change up my story to query Literary Agents with this story. I can't wait to put the tips from this book to the test. It's a helpful read.

1989 by Taylor Swift.. Taylor in General

Source: Wikipedia

This month, I have been OBSESSED with Taylor Swift. Her new album, 1989 is probably one of my favorite albums right now. During the day, this is on repeat.

I have also invested in her first album as that was the only one I was really missing. So she has been blasting through the speakers in my house for the past three or so odd weeks.

Her music, I've noticed, has become considerably better than her previous albums. Her making the conversion to strictly Pop music was one of the best decisions she could have made for herself. 1989 is definitely the best album from her, and everyone should give it a go.

Four by One Direction

 One Direction is probably my favorite band ever. So this being on this list shouldn't be a big surprise to anyone at all.

This album has a whole lot of rock influence, and you can hear the 80's vibe to it. Those are definitely my favorite tracks. Some of the tracks worth listening to for those who aren't really interested in them are Stockholm Syndrome and Where Do Broken Hearts Go. Those are two of the strongest songs on the album.

The Fosters

Source: huffington post

The Fosters is an American show (on US Netflix only according to a UK friend of mine). I've been obsessed with this show because of how special the storyline is. This show has definitely gone past the standards of television.

One of my favorite aspects of The Fosters is the fact that it follows a foster couple who happen to be lesbians. This show definitely shows that family is much more than blood relatives. Sure, some people may be related to their birth mother, but she isn't "Mom."

This is one of the most special shows on a cable network show. It portrays the real meaning of family, and what it's like to have a life that isn't easy. Go check this out because it truly is a special show.

New Mugs and Tea

Tea has been a big thing in my life for the past two years. I am OBSESSED with it, and my best friend who is Scottish told me the "right" way to make tea. I love me a cuppa Yorkshire Tea. I have a large bulk bag in my bedroom!

I've recently discovered my love for cute mugs, and have been slowly adding to the collection. The photo beside this is the newest addition, and my amazon wishlist has tons of mugs that I've been finding on the web.

Celebrity Big Brother

Source: bigbrother247.co.uk
Celebrity Big Brother is by far my favorite reality show ever. Well, I am correcting this to just plain old Big Brother from the UK. Big Brother is just so interesting to watch, and I love how it's on three times a year.

I love how different it is from the US. The US one I felt was so dull compared to the UK edition.

Loreal Blackbuster Liquid Eyeliner

I bought this eyeliner on a whim, I admit. I had a slowly dying eyeliner, and this one is perfect for doing like top lids and cat eyes. It's a great one, and I definitely recommend it. 

Kindle Fire HD 7

I purchased this Kindle in December, and I don't think I could use any old kindle ever again. This one I already rely on for just about everything. Check my social media...op, let me grab me kindle. 

It's an amazing Kindle, I highly recommend it for everyone looking for a great device for reading books on!

Those are my January Favorites! I hope you enjoyed them, I know I did!
~Amanda .xx

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Damned Enter Key

Hey Everyone!

Sorry about the lack of updating yesterday. This is what happened........my enter key is all kinds of screwed up.

Like I don't quite know what happened to it, but I do know that it will make writing ten times more difficult than before. I will be trying to press enter and it takes me three tries before it finally takes. Needless to say I am annoyed. It is really annoying. I can guarantee that.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Melting Pot of Things, Really

Hey All!

It's been a really odd day today! In the fact that I really haven't done anything but watch YouTube videos all day!

The Curse of YouTube Videos

I started my day earlier than I would have liked (thank you to the rooster alarm on my kindle...), but I woke up all excited to write...and then I found myself clicking the social media bookmark on Google Chrome, and clicked on YouTube.

Now, one thing you have to understand about me is that the videos I watch are often five minutes up to forty-five minutes in length. The latter of the two times is thanks to Celebrity Big Brother. If you have not seen this show, I highly recommend it! It is by far my favorite show. Well, any UK Big Brother is my favorite thing. I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER! The celebrities this January only has one that I know of, and that is Perez Hilton. People don't seem to like him, but he's my favorite besides Katie Price (Louis Tomlinson agrees with me I think...he did tweet he likes having her in the house).

Anyways, YouTube is like a blessing and a curse for me. I can spend hours upon hours on there. It is my favorite website besides Wattpad. Though I spend far too much time on both of these websites.

Speaking of YouTube, I filmed a little video with my camera, and I have yet to edit this video. I want to try the YouTubing thing again. I think the last two times I've tried it, I've gone in with the idea of "BOOKS" which is what the filmed video is about, but the video I have planned is not. My next post will be similar to what I have for the video. Who knows if I'll actually stick with YouTube... maybe I should let this blog thing become a thing first!

A Random Kind of Day

As today is a random kind of day, I thought I would mention my recent habit of not wearing matching socks. This came from my roommate at school who lives by a life motto of "I'm too cool for white and matching socks." She legitimately gets sad if her socks match. I've witnessed this, it is a very real thing. I started this last year when I wanted to kind of live life not caring.

Not caring what the "norm" is should be appreciated more, and a simple thing like socks is a little step. I don't normally care what others think, but I shouldn't care what I think of myself either. As long as I'm happy, I am more than okay! 

It is a quarter to ten at night as I write this post, and I am finishing up a chapter of Flora. This story makes me want to go to Spain really bad you know. I took a shower after working on the story, and was thinking to myself in Spanish. I never do that! I only put little phrases here and there in the story, but I am affected by it! It's funny what things affect you when writing.

I am going to finish Flora's second chapter now, and then off to bed I go! 

Night guys!
~Amanda .xx

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Writing Multiple Stories at Once

Hey Everyone!

Today I wanted to talk a little bit about the stories I am writing now that I am done with the other story. I am writing three stories all at the same time.

Since January I have off, I decided it would be enjoyable to write as much as I can, and I love it! I was so excited when I finished The Prince. Three stories is a lot, but I'm planning on mass writing chapters and stockpiling them for when I go back to school so I'm not overly stressed about not posting. This way, there is chapters available for me to post whenever I can.

I'm hoping to have at least five or six of each chapter done by February 2nd. There is 19 days left until then, and I want 15 chapters written by then. I think that is an easy thing to do. I think I just have to sit down and make a schedule and write a lot in one go on one story in one day. Maybe then I can have 10+ chapters for each.

Thankfully, I have an editor working with me now so the grammar will be in tip top shape. This makes me less embarrassed about things. For example, I accidentally wrote husband instead of wife, and everyone points it out on that chapter. I don't really mind it. It makes me happy that people notice my mistakes, and I make a mental note to fix it when I edit my work.

I've never done this whole multiple stories at once. I'm going to say this now: I will be relying on a notebook. I have a history of not keeping good track of the timing of events.

GOAL: Have the timing make sense now.

Until next time, guys!
~Amanda .xx

What are your writing challenges/goals this year? Write yours down below!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The "Right" Way to Make Tea

Hey Everyone!

So yesterday I was talking with my best friend and she told me that I was making my tea wrong. Now, I made it how I liked it because I live in a house of non-caffeine drinkers. My family is very much into their soda, or fizzy drinks as my best friend calls it. The way I was making it before was steeping it for 10 minutes (because I liked it strong) and three spoonfuls of sugar. That is it. But this is what was required of me.

Boil your water....

While you wait for your water boil, put tea bag (preferably Yorkshire Tea) and sugar in.

Steep your tea bag and sugar for five minutes. You can also stir it.

Next, you dribble in some milk. I asked what this was and she said "just enough."

This is the end result! It was good, just different and more milky.

Until Next Time!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Finishing a Manuscript

Hey Everyone!

So on January 11th, 2015 I wrote the words "The End" at the end of my manuscript I've been writing since May. I came to 399 pages and 169,728 words. That's a little more than 3 NaNoWriMo's!

This one was so bittersweet to end because I didn't want it to end! I fell in love with these characters and the story I was writing. I was about to write something else, but I can't yet! These characters, I feel, have become a part of me more than any other set of characters I've written previously. The reader response to them was sensational and I can't wait until they get to experience the conclusion as well.

I wrote two chapters on the 11th. I think this is one of those days where I was determined to finish it because I was SO CLOSE. I did it, and I shared the last two chapters with my best friend. She cried. I couldn't see her, but I know her well enough to know that she cried while reading the two chapters.

Finishing a manuscript in the long haul is a feat. The next step is polishing it to share it with a lot of people. I am debating whether or not to fix it up to query it. It has been a dream of mine to have my books on bookshelves. I always planned on editing it because I messed up the timing of events so I think I at least owe it to myself. This story gives me a glimmer of hope, though. It makes me believe that maybe I can have a story out there. We'll have to see where The Prince ends up.

Until Next Time,
~Amanda .xx

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Coffee & Brownies

Hey Everyone!

So on Friday, I was asked to do a few things. The first was making brownies which is nothing too difficult for me. I've made brownies a thousand and one times. I think they were Sara Lee brownies and they were delicious! They were gone by Saturday afternoon. These brownies took longer than expected. I think they ended up baking at 350 for about 45 minutes opposed to the stated 26 minutes for a 9x13 pan. These brownies had a gooey center and I want to make them again because they are so good.

I am not normally one to take photos of the food I bake, but I had to. I also wanted to see how well the photos of food turned out with my new camera I got for Christmas. I got a Sony Alpha 3000 for Christmas this year and I am absolutely in love with it. It is the best present I could ever ask for. The photo above makes me want to eat those brownies all over again. 

Sorry about the blurriness... this was as good as it was going to get.
Me trying to be artsy... I was writing as well as taking pics... multitasking

Also on Friday, I had my first coffee in a whole year. It was a Hazelnut Cappuccino and it was good. It was salty and sweet. I personally thought it was okay, but I would drink it again. We have an assortment of flavors in our house, but I would probably try something different before settling on a definite flavor of coffee. Since I discovered how to properly brew a cup of tea, I haven't turned back since. Yorkshire Tea rules the world.

That's about it from me, see you tomorrow!
~Amanda .xx