Monday, January 12, 2015

Finishing a Manuscript

Hey Everyone!

So on January 11th, 2015 I wrote the words "The End" at the end of my manuscript I've been writing since May. I came to 399 pages and 169,728 words. That's a little more than 3 NaNoWriMo's!

This one was so bittersweet to end because I didn't want it to end! I fell in love with these characters and the story I was writing. I was about to write something else, but I can't yet! These characters, I feel, have become a part of me more than any other set of characters I've written previously. The reader response to them was sensational and I can't wait until they get to experience the conclusion as well.

I wrote two chapters on the 11th. I think this is one of those days where I was determined to finish it because I was SO CLOSE. I did it, and I shared the last two chapters with my best friend. She cried. I couldn't see her, but I know her well enough to know that she cried while reading the two chapters.

Finishing a manuscript in the long haul is a feat. The next step is polishing it to share it with a lot of people. I am debating whether or not to fix it up to query it. It has been a dream of mine to have my books on bookshelves. I always planned on editing it because I messed up the timing of events so I think I at least owe it to myself. This story gives me a glimmer of hope, though. It makes me believe that maybe I can have a story out there. We'll have to see where The Prince ends up.

Until Next Time,
~Amanda .xx

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